Für die Dekorationen des Lazarus Ritterordens gibt es mit der Dienstvorschrift für das Bundesheer, BMLS GZ S92011/71-FGG7/Vor/2006, vom 06.09.2006, Beilage II, Seite 363, Zeile 18, Tragegenehmigung zur Bundesheer-Uniform, mit Erlass des BMI, Generaldirektion für die öffentliche Sicherheit, GZ BMI-OA1390/0001-II/1/d/2010, vom 16.12.2010, Polizeiuniformtragevorschrift, Teil II.14.d, Absatz 2, Tragegenehmigung zur Repräsentationsuniform der Bundespolizei, und mit Erlass des BMVRDJ, GZ GD 50201/0011-II 2/2018, Justizuniformvorschrift, Tragegenehmigung zur Repräsentationsuniform der Justizwache
For the wearing of the decorations of the Order of Saint Lazarus with uniforms following Austrian official permits are existing:
Armed Forces:
Service Provision for the Armed Forces („Dienstvorschrift für das Bundesheer“), issued by the Federal Ministry of Defense and Sports, dated 06.09.2006, no. S92011/71-FGG7/Vor/2006, supplement II, page 363, line 18
Federal Police:
Adoption of the Federal Ministry of Interior – Directorate General for Public Security, dated 16.12.2010, no. BMI-OA1390/0001-II/1/d/20210, “Polizeiuniformtragevorschrift”, part II.14.d, paragraph 2
Judicial Guard:
Justice Uniform Regulations („Justizuniformvorschrift“), issued by the Federal Ministry for Constitution, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice , no. BMVRDJ-GD 50201/0011-II 2/2018
Knight – Dame (MLJ)
Knights are wearing the Badge pendant from a chest ribbon – Dames from a ribbon bow
Officer – Dame Officer (OLJ)
Officers are wearing the Badge pendant from a chest ribbon – Dame Officers from a ribbon bow – with a green rosette.
Assistant Chaplain (AChLJ)
The Chaplain wears the same Insignia as the Commander.
Commander with Star – Dame Commander with Star
The Commander with Star wear the Badge pendant from a necklace – Dame Commander with Star from a ribbon bow – and the silver Breast Star.
Grand Officer of II Rank (KLJ)
Grand Officers of II Rank wears the Badge with Military Trophy from a necklace and the golden Breast Star.
Dame Grand Officer of II Rank (DLJ)
Dame Grand Officers of II Rankl wear the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a ribbon bow and the golden Breast Star.
Senior Chaplain (SChLJ)
The Senior Chaplain wear the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a necklace and the golden Breast Star.
Grand Officer of I Rank (KCLJ)
Grand Officers of I Rank wear the Badge with Military Trophy pendant from Sach and the golden Breast Star.
Colour of Sach:
Dame Grand Officer of I Rank (DCLJ)
Dame Grand Officers of I Rank wear the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a Sachand the golden Breast Star.
Chaplain Prelate ChPLJ)
Prelate Chaplains wear the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a Sash (Grand Cordon) and the golden Breast Star.
Colour of Sach:
Knight Grand Cross (GCLJ)
The Grand Cross wears the Badge with Military Trophy from a Sash (Grand Cordon) and the golden Breast Star.
Colour of Sach:
Dame Grand Cross (DGCLJ)
The Dame Grand Cross wears the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a Sash (Grand Cordon) and the golden Breast Star.
Ecclesiastical Grand Cross Chaplain (EGCLJ)
The Ecclestical Grand Cross Chaiplans wear the Badge with wreath of laurel and oak springs from a Sash (Grand Cordon) and the golden Breast Star.
Colour of Sach:
Knight Grand Cross with Grand Collar/Dame Grand Cross with Grand Collar (GCCLJ/DGCCLJ)
for the holder of Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross who has been awarded the Grand Collar of the Order.
Ecclesiastical Grand Cross Chaplain with Grand Collar (EGCCLJ)
for the Ecclestical Grand Cross Chaplain who has received the Grand Collar of the Order
The Grand Collar of the Order
The Grand Collar is a high honour and mark of great distinction and gratitude from the Order. It may be given to Heads of State and Prime Ministers, and to Members of the Supreme Council who have served the Order faithfully and have four or more years on the Council. It is a gift for life.
The Chain of Office
The Chain of Office is a badge of Office, worn by Members of the Supreme Council, Grand Secretaries, Heads of Jurisdiction and Chancellors on receipt of a brevet appointing them to that position.